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Block Craft 3D Ticket Hack: Game Guardian FAQs and Support


Block Graphics games contain a respective fanbase! There are fantastic such games like the most prominent Minecraft, Robocraft, and Arc. You can enjoy every moment while playing these exclusive games, as they work on the particular category of graphics that you can't get anywhere except these games. Billions of gamers love playing the Minecraft interface in their daily life gaming. Moreover, Nowadays, You can play the Block-Graphics games directly at your fingertips with the most technological gadget - Android Smartphone. There are numerous Android games developed for block graphics enjoyment like Block Craft 3D, Ark, Don't Starve, and Minecraft. So If you're also a block graphic game aspirer, You just need to play these games. Please start with the Block Craft 3D, as it's the most splendid block game, consisting of the simplistic gaming interface and building genre. You're required here to build your village with all entire buildings and crafting exceptional items. Moreover, If you want to enjoy the game and get rid of the troubles engaged inside the game, such as advertisements, lack of resources, and many more, You can download our modified version for this game, Block Craft 3D MOD APK. It's a futuristic modified game offering you all the splendid benefits that you can't experience in any other such app! Just download it and enjoy the endless fun!

Block Craft 3D is a real 3D Android game created with block graphics. If you ever have played the well-known game Minecraft, You must know about the block graphics. Primarily it's a village building game, but it will definitely offer you the 3D graphics to enhance the fun and make you feel every moment while playing this game. Moreover, You can also observe the BGM collections of the Block Craft 3D, impeccable and damn motivating. You can't resist playing this game; enjoy it!

Block Craft 3D ticket hack. Game Guardian

As per the game plot, Block Craft 3D is an actual crafting game, where you're given a village and must build all the critical buildings there to make it a brisk place. It would be best to craft the buildings like Hospitals, Police Stations, Houses, the White House, Pirate Ships, Tree Houses, traffic lights, cars, factories, shops, castles, mines, etc. Moreover, You can also play this game with all your friends to enhance the fun and help them make their gaming more convenient. You can craft the building, share it with your friends while visiting their villages, and ask for anything you want from them. Sounds delightful, right? Download it ASAP!

Are You ready to learn the game by building your houses, a fortress, or a mine? If Yes, then download Block Craft 3D! It'll offer you a complex building collection with outstanding benefits. Moreover, You can also choose your character while playing this game from hundreds of choices to play the 3D game with them. Apart from that, you can also adopt a dog, a cat, or even an elephant. Even there are no monsters inside the game, unlike the other block games. It's a simplistic Crafting, Constructing, and Exploring Android game to be enjoyed sarcastically.

The one-time rewards are plentiful and there's almost a 10-roll in tickets each week that can be earned from quests, so this is an improvement compared to some of the more popular gacha games out there.

If the drop rate and crafting mechanics aren't reworked or otherwise improved, something like this could easily take years to craft in the live game, and that's not something I think any player wants.

While I love the basic idea of algorithms (reminds me of affix crafting in Path of Exile), re-crafting algorithms here is too expensive and the stat bonuses are far less impactful. This system needs a lot of adjustment; some of my ideas are as follows, and hopefully the developers can make the necessary adjustments to deliver a better experience when the game launches for real.

* : y , \ '"^'"V * ' SATURDAY EVENING,CIT Y NEWS.Raincoat and UmbrellaHeadquartersPlymouth Clothing HouseH.F.LEGG&CO.CAN SELL YOUDIAMONDSFrom $70 carat up to $400.UPSTAIRS, 516 Nicollet Avenue.KysFurs0,aprarelir"IF YOU WA NTnew pictures for yourhome, or,IF YOU HAVEpictures to frame,GO WHEREyou can buy at factoryprices.Mnlllll HKj co.417 1st Ave. So.GARLAND RANGES ARE THE MOST ECONOMICAL AND BESTBAKERS ON EARTH COSTING NO MORE THAN INFERIORMAKESBE SURE AND SEE THE GARLAND BEFORE BUYING.H e S CLEVELAND mgtonAv.sYOUR OLD STOVE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE AND PART PAYMENTMUST STAND BIGHTTOWN TALKThe N W Conservatory Is now open In411 branches at 43 Sixth street SThe right kind of trunks and suit casesfor school at Barnum's, 715 NicolletNew pictures for home and school. TheBeard Art company, 624 Nicollet avenueJ For RentFine first and second floor offices in the Oneida block. Title InsuranceCompanyRev. J B Beckham of Spokane, Wash .will preach at Bethesda Baptist churchSundaj morning and eveningJosephine Bonaparte Rice teacher dramatic art, 719 Hennepin, mornings, except Wednesday, during September' About one hundred well-known youngfewlsh men came togethei Thursday, evening and reorganized the Monteiiore society.Subscribe for all magazines, papers,etc and get \our binding done at Century News Stand, 6 Third street, nearHennepin a\enue.Sycamore camp 2668 R U A will entertain the members of Powdeihorn. camp,M W A , at its hall Thirtv-fourth stieetand Chicago avenue, Wednesday evening,Sept. 16The reception to R W Abberlev, newpastor at the Portland Avenue Church ofChrist, was postponed on account of theheavy rain storm and will be held nextMondaj evening In the church parlorsAll friends of the church are cordially invitedThe Woman's Auxiliary to Typographical Union N 42, will give a social cardparty at Holcomb's hall, Tuesday e^ eningSept 15 being the first of a series of cardand dancing parties for the winter Allmembers of the union and their familiesare invitedCharles Siegel, a plumber lhing InNew York, and who was supposed by hisMinneapolis friends to be dead arrivedin the city yesterday Three years ago hecame to Minnesota on a hunting tripand at that time it was reported that hehad thrown himself into the liver Howthe report was staited is not knownColonel Charles Lowton from Chicago,chief for the Scandinavian Army in thiscountry, will conduct a special meetingat the Scandiavian Salvation Army hall,170D Sixth street S, Sunday. Sept 20, atHam, when the Norwegian corps fromthe city will unite Also at 4 o'clock inthe afternoon and 8 o clock at nightJohn Barrett, a member of Company A,Thirteenth Minnesota volunteers, has beenappointed assistant treasurer of the Philippine islands at a salary of 54,000 ayear When his regiment returned to thiscountry Barrett remained in Manila as anemploye of the paymaster's office Sincethen he has been several times promotedThe Norwegian-Danish Dramatic societywill open the season to-morrow eveningwith a dramatic entertainment at Daniahall A double bill will be given, including a well-known comedy ' De To Doeve '(The Two Deaf Mutes), and "Slaegtningerne" (The Relatives), a popularmelodrama The principal roles will be inthe hands of Mr and Mrs Anton Sannessand their former associatesProminent Republican Says NextCandidate for Governor MustDeolare Himself.Will Have to Stand Squarely With.the Party on the MergerQuestion."The next republican candidate for governor will have to stand right with thepeople on the merger question. No mancan expect to secure the nomination without making a square declaration in favorof the enforcement of the law and againstthe consolidation of parallel and competing lines of railway "This statement was made to TheJournal to-day by a man prominentin the politics of the state, but not acandidate for office or affiliated with any'combine oi machine He said further'I think I am correct In my belief thatthe \oteis of Minnesota are just as strongly against the merger as they were lastfall, when they broke all records andgave Van Sant 60 000 plurality as a reward for his courageous stand It wason that issue that he was nominated, andbut for that issue the election would havebeen close Since that time the decisionof the circuit court of appeals has sustained the governor s position that themerger is a 'combination id restraint oftrade * That is the current opinion of thepeople, and it has not been shaken bythe Lochren decision The political alliesof the merger interests will not make anyheadway by belittling the state's effortsto dissolve the unlawful combinationThey are barking up the wrong tree whenthey misconstrue and misrepresent themotives of the governor and attorneygeneral In bringing those suits The people have confidence in those officials, andsuch blather will only react in their favor."It is likely that the merger litigationwill be closed up by the time the stateconvention meets In one sense, that willremove the merger as an issue However,the convention will be sure to indorse thework of Governor Van Sant and AttornevGeneral Douglas and the principle forwhich they are fighting Having doneso the convention will nominate a manIn thoro sympathy with that plank in theplatform The railroads will continue tobe a big factor in the politics of the state,especially the merger roads Whetherthe state wins or loses in the pendinglitigation, the people will want a man Inthe governor's chair who will stand bythem in any future emergency and do hisbest to preserve the principle of government control"The successful candidate will have topledge himself before the conventionmeets and the sooner the better Thelepublican party will not stultify itselfby nominating a man who cannot standsquarely on its platform There will beplenty of time for every candidate tomake an unequivocal statement of hisposition and such a statement will beexpected If candidates cannot get In linewith the party let them drop ou t"THE WEATHEB PREDICTIONSMinnesotaRain and probably thunderstorms to night and possibly Sunday,colder to-night and in eastern portionSunday high northerly winds prevailingIowaShowers and probably thunderstorm squalls this afternoon, to-night,and possibly In eastern portion Sunday,partly cloudy in western portion Sundaycolder, brisk to high southerly winds,shifting to northwest North DakotaRain to-night and Sunday, continued cold,brisk northerly winds South DakotaShowers and probably severe thundersqualls this afternoon and to-night andcolder in eastern portion to-night andSunday, probably local showers, withcooler in eastern portion, brisk, variablewinds MontanaUnsettled, with rainto-night and Sunday, slightly warmer Inwestern portion, brisk, variable windsWisconsinShowers and thunderstormsthis afternoon to-night, and possibly Sunday, decidedly colder, strong easterlywinds, shifting to northwest UpperMichiganRain and cooler to-night andprobably Sunday, high northeast winds.col and -able furrieFor this month, special prices on ourRusslnn Sables, natiual and blended, andRice's London Djed Seal Skins Supeiiorquality and workmanship guaranteedRepairing carefully done A DainarRemodeling & Redyeingr r*v 51*'5Seal Skins a Specialty 701 HennepinN.W. Main4293J.TC 1836. Open eveningsThe Plymouth Clothing House sole agents.PUPILS NOT OVERWORKEDEYESProfessor Smith of St. Paul AnswersCharges of Professor GoldwlnSmith Against Schools.Not work, but too fast living, accountsfor the ill health of many public schoolpupils, in the opinion of Professor A JSmith of the St Paul schools. ProfessorSmith, in this, disagrees from ProfessorGoldwln Smith, the author and educator,who belie\es that the pupils in Americanschools are overworkedIn Professor A J Smith's opinion it isthe theater, the dance and the otheramusements incident to the hustlingAmerican life that cause American publicschpol pupils to play out.Examined FreeArtlfloial Eyes.BEST,OPTICIAN. 409 Nicollet.NOTICE.sKnox HatsHanan Shoes,The Cheap Rates West.The Northern Pacific will place on salethe cheap one-way Colonist ExcursionTickets on Sept 15th to Nov 30th, inclusive Montana points, $15 00 to$22 50, Idaho and Eastern Washington,points, $22 50 to $25 00, Western Washington and Oregon points, $25 00, Californiapoints, $32 90 Call at Northern Pacificcity ticket office, No 19 Nicollet Houseblock for full particularsEastern CollegesStudents Return ViaMichigan Central, "The Niagara FallsRoute."Special cars are now assigned and reservations can be made for students returning to Wellesley, Smith, Mt Holyoke,Vassar and other eastern colleges. Writefor circular giving full information. L DHeusner, G W P. A , 119 Adams street,Chicago.T* For thenext*....30 DaysT O INTRODUCE our cel-* ebrated GARLANDRANGES we will connectto your city water tank freeof charge all ranges boughtof us with water fronts.W e carry the largest, lineof Garland Stoves andRanges west of Chicago.?4 ^^^ffr^^THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. -W*FINE ARTS EXHIBITPrivate View of the MinneapolisSociety Will Be fliven Saturday, Sept. 19, *last of Paintings Will Be LargeExpected to Beach 200at Least.The fourth annual exhibition of theMinneapolis Society of Fine Arts will openSaturday, Sept 19, with a private viewfor the members of the society and ttheirfriends, and the following afternoon forthe public The exhibition will Continuethree weeks and will be open every evening except Sunday, the Sunday hoursbeing only during the afternoon.The entries for the exhibition are practically all in and demonstrate completelythe wisdom of the change from spring tofall exhibitions, so far as the question ofsecuring pictures is concerned There arealready listed 180 paintings, and with thestraggling ones certain to come in thelist will reach 200 without much doubtThis is fifty more than have ever beenshown in the gallery and should theyprove to be even of average size, as theyare nearly certain to be, the hangingcommittee will have a very difficult problem to find wall space for themTheze are comparatively few importantomissions in the l,st, and an unusuallylarge number of new exhibitors Thesenew names are not wholly nor largelynew artists but those who have notthought it worth while hitherto to sendpictures so far from the seaboard. TheMinneapolis exhibition by its previous successes has made a very favorable impression among the eastern artists and theyare much more.inclined to send exhibitsand pictures of increasing ImportanceThe atrangement of having the Minneapolis exhibition just precede the Art Institute exhibition in Chicago helps greatly,as artists, like other people, are eager tokill two birds with one stone Nearlyone-third of the pictures sent to Minneapolis are to be forwarded to Chicago andstill others have already been shown here.WHERE IS ARNESBERG?Well Known Man DisappearsAWoman Gone, Too.Charles M Arneberg, formerly a window trimmer at a large Nicollet avenueclothing house, left the city a few daysago and his friends think that he leftwith Gertrude Torrance, a woman of thetown who formerly resided at 253 Hennepin avenue His wife and two childrenare now visiting in Norway.Since last Christmas, Arneberg and theTorrance woman have been on intimateterms and about a week ago the womandisposed of her place on Hennepin avenue.The next day she and Arneberg both disappeared.Shortly after Arneberg's disappearanceit was reported that he had secured somemoney from his employers, but this isdeniedArneberg comes from a Norwegianfamily prominent in the army and thenavy of Norway He was highly respected and his escapade comes as asurprise to his friendsA WHALE IN HARRIETIt "Was There, but H. A. Rudolph"Hooked" Jt.Lake Harriet is a small body of water,but when it comes to records for big fishthe gem of the Minneapolis parks modsetly craves attention. H A Rudolph, living in Cottage City near the lake says thathe caught * fifteen-pound pickerel In Harriet last Thursday evening and is able toproduce the fish to sustain his prowess asa fisheiman The fish is 38 inches longand has a circumference of 16% inchesamidships Rudolph hooked the littlewhale while trolling and worked nearlyan hour In landing his prize which is believed to be the biggest fish caught InHarriet for ten years.NEW BOOKS ON LISTState Library Commission Adds toSchool Library Catalogue.The state library commission met yesterday and added a list of 225 books to thecatalog from which selection may be madefor school libraries. The contract wasawarded to the St Paul Book and Stationery company, the only bidder* Thelist now includes about 3,200 books*Several of the newer popular novelswere added yesterday. The new novel byThomas Nelson Page, "Gordon Keith,"was rejected as not up to standard. JackLondon's "Call of the Wild" was chosenwith some very complimentary remarks.A life of Pope Leo XTII. was included.IT'S NOT INSURANCEAttorney General Rules on Physicians'Indemnity Companies of Certain Character.Attorney General Douglas in an opinionfurnished to Insurance CommissionerDearth holds that physicians' Indemnitycompanies which only insure against costsand attorneys' fees, and not against judgments, are not, strictly speaking, Insuran ce companies, and so do not have tocomply with the insurance laws of Minnesota Under the law an insurance company Is one that agrees to reimburse forloss sustained in any proprietary right.This applies to a judgment, but not tocosts or attorneys' fee*DSl KEEPICLPDairies Ordered to Get Into SanitaryCondition by Decem-ber 1.Commissioner MoConnell Warns theDairymen That Law Will BeStrictly Enforced.Important Names.Among the important names seen forthe first time in the catalog in Minneapolis are Bryson Burroughs, RobertHenri, J Henry Sharp, G E Brown, A EAlbright, George Barse, Jr , Walter Shlrlaw, W A. Coffin, H H Breckinridge D.F Boyden, Gifford Beal, E H Clements,Mrs Amelia Burgess Crafts, Georgia Timken Fry, John H Fry, Harriet CampbellFoss, Ellen Irene Gifford, Charles AustinNeedham and Henry MoslerIt is a matter of the greatest inteestthat Minneapolis is honored by havingDouglas Volk's Carnegie prize picture,"The Boy With an Arrow " This has beenIn the greatest demand and is to be sentto Europe soon, but Mr Volk chose todisappoint others and to favor the societywith whom he worked so pleasantly andsuccessfully for a number of years Thiswas easily among the greatest picturesof last season and was the gem of theexhibit of the Society of American ArtistsShould anything equal it in the comingexhibition that fact alone would makethe exhibition notable Robert Henri isanother artist whose pictures were amongthe choicest in the last society exhibitionand they are always among the strongestwherever they are shown.Surprises In Former Exhibit.A fine exhibition is assured and the society would feel a great sense of reliefif an adequate attendance was equallycertain The early dates are unfavorableto the largest attendance, but with themany advantages of this plan in gettingpictures it would seem as if picture loverscould, contrive to be present at the exhibitions with a little effort. It has been amatter of surprise to many who have underestimated the local exhibitions to findthat canvases shown here have sincescored notable triumphs in great art centers. A conspicuous instance of this wasthe magnificent landscape shown last fallby H H Gallison of Bosjton entitled"Clearing Mists " This was sent abroadand exhibited this summer In the Turinexhibition, where it was purchased bythe Italian go\ernment A score or moreof the pictures in last year's exhibitionwere found in the big spring exhibitionsin New York.Warning will be given to the dairymenof the state by W. W P McConnell, statedaily commissioner, that after Dec. 1 noexcuses will be accepted for an unsanitarybarn, or for failure to care for milk underpurely sanitary conditions. On that datea vigorous and thoro inspection of thedairies of the state will be commenced,and all dairy owners who have not puttheir places In sanitary condition will beprosecutedUp to the present time sanitary conditions have been insisted on, but the dairymen were given time, and the departmentexercised patience in educating them upto proper conditions Mr. McConnell believes that they now understand the law,and there is no longer any reason whythey should not bring their dairies up tothe highest standard of cleanliness. Theymust hereafter provide comfortable andsanitary barns with modern ventilation,clean stalls, whitewashed walls and dryfloors. The milk house must be detached.The milk must be aerated and cooled forseveral hours, and must be kept in utensilswhich have "been boiled to kill the germs.BARRED BY LIMITATIONSThe Position Taken by DefendantAgainst Complaint in Interesting Medical Case.There will probably be no court rulingat present upon the Interesting questionof how far a surgeon may go in operating for complications discovered after hispatient is unconscious upon the tableThe local case raising this point, newin American and English Jurisprudence,will in all probability be ruled out of courtunder the statute of limitations, and unless the district court Is reversed, It willnever come to trial.Some months ago Ada Nickols broughtsuit against Dr. George G. Eitel to recover $10,500 damages for alleged malpractice The pleadings set forth that,under contract to perform a simple operation, Dr Eitel, without permission, tookthe responsibility of performing a muchmore serious operation The point thusraised was unique and has attracted widespread interest among physicians and themedical Journals over the country Theauthorities contain no similar case, andit was hoped that some new law was tobe made.It iB now disclosed that the action wasnot begun until more than two years afterthe operation in question, and the defendant pleaded the two-year statute oflimitations in his answer Plaintiff demurred to this answer on the groundthat the case falls under the six insteadof the two year statute. Judge Brooksheld with the defendant, however, andoverruled the demurrer, allowing a replyThe reply was filed, setting up the contention in favor of the six-year statuteOn plaintiff's motion to strike out thisreply, the matter was again argued, thistime before Judge Elliott, and anotherruling In favor of the defendant was madeNow defendant mapces a. motion for judgment on the pleadings, and the matterwill be heard by Judge Brooks nex,t week.Unless the court1Mary E. Moore Accuses Her Husband ofNon-Support.Married nearly thirty years ago In Minneapolis, Mary E Moore of St. Paul isnow seeking a legal separation from Augustus G Moore The dissatisfied wifepleads that her helpmate refused to buyher clothes and told her that a doghousewas a good enough place for her to live Inf 4 'Inventory of Murphy Estate.An Inventory and appraisement of theestate of the late Thomas Murphy wasfiled in the probate court this morningThe property is valued at $11,292 35.PAVING Will BE RTTSHEDPlant for Making Paving Blocks IsNearly Ready.One week from to-day creosoted pavingblocks will be manufactured in Minneapolis at the rate of 1,300 yards a daand in thirty days from that time all thepaving planned for this year will be surfaced with creosoted blocks where theplans call for that sort of paving.This is the latest guaranty offered byMr Van Aften, local manager of the Republic Chemical and Creosotlng companyof Indianapolis, which is establishing abranch here and building a plant at Twentieth avenue S and Second street Thecontracts made for this year call for thelaying of about 40,000 square yards ofcreosoted wooden block paving.COME FOB CHICKENSPhiladelphia Manufacturers WillCamp Out Near Warren.H. O "Wilbur and Edward A. Selliez,chocolate manufacturers of Philadelphia,called at the office of the state game andfish commission this morning and paid $10each for licenses to hunt small game inMinnesota. They are going to spend several days camping out and hunting in thevicinity of Warren.WfclTE ELECTED HEFT.Non-Member of Company F Is Chosenas an Officer Against Opposi-tion.Despite the opposition of headquartersand the efforts of a certain faction In thecompany, R. M White was elected firstlieutenant of Company F, M N. G, lastevening. White was a member of Company A during the Spanish-Americanwar, but was a lieutenant in CompanyF after his return and until the recentencampment at Lake City, when somefriction resulted in his resignation Lieutenant White is not now even a memberof the company, and it is believed thathis election will not be confirmed, althoit may be.The action of Carter's Little Liver Pillsis pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver and regulate thebowels, but do not purge. They are sureto please. Try them.VIA THE SOO L\NE.New York and Return, $36.10.Boston and Return, $44.10.Other points in proportion. Dates ofsale, Sept. 16 to 19 inclusive. Full particulars at the Ticket Office, 119 Thirdstreet S.Many people say the'y never lay TheJournal down 'til they have looked overthe want ad pages. You'll likely findsomething there ot interest to you.MM^Mii : s*,! rSHORTAGE IN GRAINIncreased Demand Prom Europe forAmerican Wheat la Due, SaysF. B. Wood.British Are Just Beginning fo Realize That America Has HoBumper Crop.F. B. Wood, of the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, has returned fromabroad and was on change yesterday afteran absence of several months. Mr Woodcomes back impressed with the fact thatthere is a relathe shortage in the breadstuffs supply of Europe this year, andthat sooner or later this will be felt inan increased demand for American wheatfrom importers in the United Kingdomand on the continent.Quantities of wheat from India and Russia are now going into Liverpool, at pricesthat figure out, in some instances, asmuch as IOC below the figures at whichan American exporter can sell wheat to aLiverpool buyer on the present marketThis India wheat and much of the Russian is inferior to American wheat, whichaccounts in part for the difference ThereIs also a difference In the point of viewof the American and English grain manThe English millers, Mr Wood found, arejust getting rid of the impression thatAmerica has an enormous crop Impressed early in the year with the ideathat this season's production of wheatIn America would be 100,000,000 bushels Inexcess of anything ever raised, they haveharbored this notion ever since. Recentlythey have began to take a more conservative view, and to incline to the opinionthat American prices are not so exorbitantly high after all, in view of the world'ssupply situationOZONE THE REMEDYMinneapolis Men Discover Its Valuein Cure of Disease.Several years ago two Minneapolis citi-zensJ. L Willford and P S Blackmarbecame interested in the purification ofwater for domestic use In their searchfor some agent or method that would destroy bacteria in water and leave itwholesome, they discovered that ozone,made properly pure and applied In theaeration of water, gave results never before obtained Reports from prominentbacteriologists showed the destruction of90 per cent of the bacteria in water thatwas simply aerated by this systemAfter experimenting with many differentforms of generators they at last succeeded in constructing one that producesozone without any oxider, the only generator that produces ozone of this quality.They have demonstrated to the entire satisfaction of scientific and professionalmen that with this pure ozone their*s isthe only known practical method of destroying germs in water without the application of heat or chemicalsRealizing the importance of this and thebenefits ozone might confer upon mankindwith a practical application of its curative properties to the system they turnedtheir atention in this directionNow after a long period of careful studyand experiments with mechanical devicesfor appplying ozone either in gaseous orliquid form to the system they have founda remedy which they think can be relieduppn In corroboration of this they havethe statements of many persons who havebeen cured, and of patients who are being treated and receiving substantialbenefits from this method, and of physicians who ha\e seen these cures including Dr E. E Austin, 817 Andrus building,in whose office this method was used during Its development The treatment isnow being used by him with remarkablesuccess In his dally practice for the cureof all wasting diseases and affections ofthe respiratory organsThese gentlemen have secured severalpatents fully covering their invention andaxe- reverses ,, Itself judg -ment for defendant will be entered andthe case disposed of.William R Morris, attorney for theplaintiff, states, however, that he believeshis contention Is right, and an appeal tothe supreme court will be taken If thelower court is reversed, the case will thenbe recommenced and the Interesting medical question tried%SEEKING A DIVORCEt now making airangements for themanufactuie of their apparatus.QUARREL BROUGHT TO LIGHTIt May Throw Light Upon the Death ofCharles Helm In St.Paul.The mystery surrounding the death ofCharles Helm, whose mangled body wasfound on the railroad tracks near SouthSt Paul a few days ago was increasedyesterday when the coroner's jury tookup the inquest It was shown that Helmand Constable Joseph Chadima had quarreled over a yellow dog a few minutes before Helm left the saloon, and that Chadima left the place a few minutes beforeHelm. The inquest is being continued.SEPTEMBER 12, 1003.HE IS MAJOR NOWCaptain Leonhauser, Recruiting OfficerHere, Is Promoted to Rank ofMajor.Captain Harry A Leonhauser, UnitedStates recruiting officer at Minneapolis,has been promoted to the rank of majorMajor Leonhauser first came to this cityas military inspector at the state university. He served as colonel of the Fifteenth volunteer infantry during theSpanish-American and Filipino war3.NERVAN TABLETSVoegell Bros. Made Agents for Minneapolisfor This Wonderful Cure for Nervousness and ImpoverishedBlood.Voegell Bros , who are always on thelookout for the best possible remedies thatare being introduced in the various largecities thruout the United States, havebeen made the Minneapolis agents by theNervan Tablet Co. of Chicago NervanTablets have been on the market lessthan a year, but thousands of men andwomen who have been lifted from thehelpless condition of long suffering, already attest the wonderful curative,powerof Nervan Tablets Nervous, fretful, weak,.careworn people and ^brain-workers willmake no mistake in using this remedy.New York and PhiladelphiaCannot be more pleasantly reached thanby the Grand Trunk-Lehigh "Valley route.Solid through trains, magnificent scenery.Descriptive literature sent free on application to Advertising Department, GrandTrunk Railway System, 135 Adams street,Chicago, George W. Vaux, A. G. P. &T. A.Many people say they never lay TheJournal down 'til they have looked overthe want ad pages. You'll likely findsomething there of interest to you.Carey's Magnesia Cement roofing,Always flexible never breaks or cracksfrom expansion or contraction. W. S.Nott Company. Both 'phones, 876.Ends Headache's Torture.Lazy livers and sluggish bowels causeheadaches. Dr. King's New Life Fills remove the cause, or no pay Only 25c.$27.50Baltimore and Return--$27.50.ViaWisconsin Central Railway.Tickets on sale Sept 17th to 19th, goodreturning by deposit until Oct. 3d. Forberth reservations and full particulars,address V. C Russell, C. P. & T. A., 230Nicollet avenue.v Ho, for New UlmJ *Go with the German-American excursion to New Ulm on next Sunday, Sept.13. Special train will leave via the Minneapolis ,& St, Louis at 9:00 a. m , (depot,Washington and Fourth avenues N.) Returning, leave New Ulm 7.30 p. m. Ratefor round trip only $1.50.See tomorrow's, Sunday, papers, and the goods them-selves as displayed in our Sixth Street Show Windows.New England Fnrnitnre & Carpet Company,The One-Price Complete House Furnishers, 5th St., 6th St. and 1st Ave. So.SWEET GIRL TROPHIESSororities at the University Announce Results of the Bushing Campaign.The "rushing" seaouu having progressedto the stage of official announcementsthe diffeiea^ sororitN^ at the state universities have given out the following results of the campaign with which the yearalways opens with themThe following are announced as pledgedto the various sororitiesKappa Kappa GammaMary Morgan, IsabellHills Bonnie Blakely, St Paul, Hazel BrowsAlpha PhiVera Cole Florence Brazee, MaryStebblns, Helen Hall, Helen Dean, Alice Stratton, Mary Copely and Grace Mathews, St.Paul Rose Schaller, HastingsDelta GammaGrace A k ltsel, MinneapolisMinne Stinchfield, Rochestei, Harriet More, StPaul Lucretla Still, Sandwich, 111 , FlorenceSchyler, fargo N 1) , Lotta Lender, MankatoKippa Alpha ThetaEmily Leanard, AlmaPennick, Edna Broome, Nell Stanford, HelenrfaffGamma Phi BetaCora Taney, Helen Lovell,Grace Kinsey, Rewey Inglis, Sarah Marshall,Florence Millspaugh ,Cane,Rush Postponed.The cane rush scheduled for yesterdaydid not materialize altho there were alarge number of upper classmen on handto see the freshmen and sophomores indulge in the annual scrimmage.Student an Heir.One student who didn't care whetherthe can rush ever did come around wasFrank Keston, who came down fromKewasset, Minn , with barely enough topull him thru the year and received theunexpected news that he had inheritedfrom a relative in Norway $15,000 and alucrative business. Young Keston decidedto go to Norway.Appointed instructors.Among the appointments to instructorships for this year are Arthur L. Parsons, formerly of the University of NewYork, assistant in the geological department, Miss Catherine Hillshine, assistanton the natural history survey, Miss Gertrude Ballard and Miss Lillian Nixon,rhetoric, Raymond P Chase, debates,Irwin A. Churchill, economicsfi *H^EL^^itsWHY BURN COAL?For an investment of exceptional merit your attention is called tothe Stock of The Universal Oil Burner Company at 65c a share,fully paid and non-assessable. This stock is dividend paying andwill make another advance without further notice and will be en-tirely off the market at any reasonable price before the end of theyear. This company has been in successful operation more than oneyear and will certainly revolutionize the fuel industry by placingOil Burners and Oil for fuel in competition with other fuels. Writefor information in regard to this Stock and make all remittances toThe Universal Oil Burner Company,MAY BE MAFIAEx-Memher of Italian Secret ServiceKilled in New York.New York, Sept 12 Arcangelo Rainio,formerly an officer in the Italian arnivand later connected with the secret servicein Italy, was shot dead yesterday in ahailway adjoining a saloon at Second avenue and East One Hundred and Thirteenth street.Rainio came to this country three yearsago While in Italy he had been instrumental in the conviction of a number ofdangerous characters It was said thathe fied from Italy to save his life, fearingthat certain men would kill him He wenttp IKe In Philadelphia and came to NewYork now and then While on one of hisvisits he made the acquaintance of TeresaOianzzo, a beautiful young woman, whoi5 spoken of as the "Belle of Little Italy,"and who lived over the saloon Rainiovisited the girl vesterday, and about anhour later two shots were heard and twomen were seen running from the housoRainio was found dead in the hallway,ha\ing been shot thru the back of theheadTHE MONDAY SI LK SALESThe First of the Dayton Sales Is the Com*ing Monday.Mondays will be the silk days of thetwin cities Dayton's, "silk leaders of thenorthwest," have set that day for weeklysales of great magnitude Months agothe planning began and both Americanand European markets have been calledon to yield their best bargains to keepthese sales up to the high standards whichhave been set for them The first of thesesales takes place Monday, beginning at9 o'clock. The details will be found onpage 3.Carey's Magnesia Cement RoofingCannot rust or leak like metal roofing. "W.S. Nott Company. Both 'phones, 376.Minneapolis Journal Branch OfficeDonaldson's 'Glass Block" In Offices on Main Floor*FrontsfYour Credit is Good at the New England.News for:Mtmdajr.v Sale of Entire "iFurnishings ofThe New EnglandHouse at RecentState Fair., xiLAYING CABLES IN ALASKA *Gen. A. W. Greely Goes West toResume Work. JGeneral A W Greely, chief signal officer of the United States navy and famousas an Arctic explorer, passed thru the*,twin cities yesterday on his way to Seat*tie and Alaska, where he is laying 1,300mil^s of cableA cable has already been laid fromJuneau to Skagway, and this connectsthru a Canadian telegraph line with the1,600 miles of line m the Yukon district*,The breaking of the cable line to Nome*for the third time, has convinced GeneralGreely of the necessity of building a wireless system to connect with Nome.While this country is even now independent of Canadian telegraph companiesso far as the disputed territory is concerned, it will be entirely independentwhen General Greely finishes his work.He is prepared to lay 520 miles of cablebetween Sitka and Seattle at once, andexpects to have the remaining 720 mileslaid by Nov 1. **Aids DigestionHorsford'sof New Elevator.Want "Ad s" Received. *ilsziVfl--***410Third St. 3.AMUSEMENTSDewey Theatre.ALL WEEK, COMMENCING -*MATINEE TOMORROW."We Fly High." Prices:The EagleExtravaganzaCompany.40PEOPLE4010o20o 30o 50cTPARQUEShorthandIn Forty DaysBoyd's Syllabic Shorthand nowstands at the head of the line as faras speed, legibility and brevity isconcerned. What more do you want?Graduates all over the city holdinghigh grade positions, giving firstclass satisfaction and all learnedwithin the prescribed limit.All scholarships are good for yourlifetime without extra tuition Day,evening and mail courses.Syllable Shorthand College501-3-5 Dayton BJdg.MINNEAPOLIS, - fUNNESOTA/AcidPhosphateHalf a teaspoon in half a glassof water after meals removes thedistress, oppression and "allgone " feeling'. Gives good appetite, perfect digestion and restfulA Tonic and Nerve Food.A' Subscriptions Taken.** Journals on Sale/6^General Information Given/*u-a 2ff7e9595c

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